


-Kuro Maru-

Kuro Maru's birthplace and origins are something of a mystery due to the circumstances around his childhood. He was placed in the Garlean foster care system when his village was raided and all adults either killed or conscripted. It is unknown if his parents still survive.He was adopted fairly quickly as a mere toddler due not only to the fact that he was a rarely-seen Viera, but also because he is male. An Ishgardian noble who will not be named adopted him and other children that were deemed "unique", out of some strange interest in preserving genes that might be considered outliers.They rarely interacted with their would-be adoptive father, and were instead raised by a series of nannies and servants to the household. Many of them rarely saw outside of their family's property, in order to keep a low profile and escape Ishgardian gossip. As a result, there's some common knowledge that just isn't so common for him and his siblings.Throughout his teen years he made many attempts at escape which all ended in failure until one day, as the result of a culmination of years of training in hand to hand combat in secret, he and one of his siblings (aptly named Aka Maru, for his bright red skin) managed to escape the guards and watchmen on the premises. From there they struggled to scratch out a stable living, thanks mostly in part to their ability to play music together (something they were actually trained on by tutors hired by their absentee father. Nobles love the arts, after all) and subsequently Kuro's interest in adventuring (it certainly pays).From there, Kuro by chance stumbled onto the Blessing of Light, pledged his life to adventuring as a Warrior of Light, and the rest is history (or current events, technically).He still plays music with his brother Aka Maru, and another musician they met in Ul'dah named Freezing Moon. They are pioneers of a new Eorzean music genre called "Coerthan Black Metal".


- Age: 27
- Birthdate: Unknown
- Adoption date: 21st Sun 3rd Umbral Moon
- Gender: Male
- Canon jobs: Monk, Bard, Dancer
- Orientation: Bisexual
- Race: Viera
- Relationship status: ???
- Personality: Positive, gregarious, a little dim-witted at times, can struggle with intimacy and vulnerability
- Motivations: Gil, fun, and "because it's the right thing to do"
- Current Goal: Insert MSQ here, and to spread his music across the realm


-Aka Maru-

Aka Maru's birthplace is also technically unknown, however they think he may have come from the Thanalan region. He was snatched up by a Garlean patrol when he wandered too far away from his home and too close to one of their many bases in the region as a small child. He doesn't have very many memories of his original home, or what his family looked like, other than the fact that he had many many many siblings and they all shared the same deep red skintone.He and Kuro have a deep bond, having been adopted by the same Ishgardian noble and raised together with other assorted adoptive siblings, with their team of nannies and servants and tutors and guards and so on. They are brothers in every way that matters.Times were hard for them when they finally made their escape, having no money and no roof over their heads and quite frankly, very few life skills. They were saved by the fact that they are both trained bards, and also Kuro being good with his fists. That and good old fashioned determination.Aka didn't follow Kuro down the road to becoming a Warrior of Light, but he's always there to lend a bow and a song to the best of his ability.


- Age: 29
- Birthdate: 1st Sun 1st Astral Moon
- Adoption date: 28th Sun 1st Umbral Moon
- Gender: Male
- Canon jobs: Bard
- Orientation: Bisexual
- Race: Xaela
- Relationship status: ???
- Personality: Chill, heavy drinker, partier, makes being a metal musician a lifestyle
- Motivations: Party, make gil, his brother Kuro
- Current Goal: To become the realm's first world-famous metal drummer

Freezing Moon

Freezing Moon was actually born in Ul'dah after her parents came there as refugees following a natural disaster that left their village unable to grow food on the land they had lived on for generations. Since then her family has done fairly well for themselves, living relatively comfortably but still within reason (think middle class).She took to music at a young age with ease, but oftentimes her style may be considered ahead of it's time, so fans are few and far between. But for the people who are into it, they're really into it.When a flyer was posted in the Quicksands searching for another guitarist for an upcoming band pioneering the genre of "Coerthan Black Metal", she jumped at the chance to finally do something new.She spends most of her free time writing and arranging new songs for the band. She also employs her girlfriend as the band's merch girl and manager.


- Age: 30
- Birthdate: 31st Sun 5th Umbral Moon
- Gender: Female
- Canon jobs: Bard
- Orientation: Lesbian
- Race: Hellsguard
- Relationship status: In an open relationship
- Personality: Confident, reserved, strong, self-assured
- Motivations: Music and fame and fortune, of course
- Current Goal: To create new genres of music never before heard in the realm

Basically I am a professional death metal musician IRL, and I have been since the beginning of high school. Sure wish I could share my published albums with y'all, but we're poor and inexperienced with recording so, to tell ya the truth, they ain't a great representation of us. But such is life.Thanks to COVID and being disabled, I haven't been able to play live shows in 2+ years now. It's really hard to motivate myself to do anything with music if I don't have anything to plan for (like a show, or to send to people, or to show to my friends, anything really).But creating midi files of songs I enjoy and making them work within the parameters of the game is fun, engaging, and honestly rewarding. I've actually had people approach me in-game cause they saw my work on youtube or the BMP discord. It's pretty cool, imo.The project originally started as a joke between me and a friend. We wanted to bring black metal to The Brume. And we did! I speedran ARR with multiple trial alts and got them Ishgard access and created a 1 hour playlist primarily of norwegian black metal songs (some well-known, some not as much). In the process of powerleveling the band members I grew attached to them and came up with little personalities for them and etc. It turned into a fictional band a la Dethklok et al. I was an avid RPer for many years (though I haven't really had the drive or the time lately - I hope to change that and actually RP on FFXIV every now and then).But also, as a musician I really enjoy a wide range of genres (I mean I started music as a classically trained violinist, so of course I'm gonna listen to a lot of stuff), and I can't limit my fictional band to one genre as a result, so I've branched out into other genres and locations. It is supposed to be for fun, after all. But we do still plan to make playing black metal in The Brume a regular thing (as my time and disability allow).

For booking and info you can contact me on discord! My username is bb.poisonYou may also contact me in-game if you manage to catch me online. I'm usually either on Kuro Maru @ Coeurl, or Professor Femboy @ Goblin (however I am often afk on the latter).I require 1 week minimum in advance to prepare for shows!